
Undergraduate Students- Fayette Campus

All students receiving 机构al financial aid are required to live on campus unless, before the first day of the semester's classes, they are [1] married, [2] the custodial parent of a minor child living with them, [3] over 21 years of 年龄, [4] in their fifth year of college or ninth full time semester, or, [5]与父母或法定监护人住在费耶特35英里内父母的主要住所. 在春季学期尝试并成功完成三个全日制学分的转学生进入CMU或在秋季学期完成四个全日制学分的转学生进入CMU,可免除校内住房要求. All international freshmen or transfer students, including those transferring from another U.S. 机构, must live in an on-campus residence hall for a minimum of one year, and thereafter must meet one of the other exemptions to live off-campus.

To receive 机构al aid or the state need-based grant, a student must be enrolled full-time. To receive federal and state student aid, students must be fully admitted in a degree or certificate seeking program. To receive 机构al aid or the state need-based grant, a student must be enrolled full-time. The number of hours enrolled determines the amount, 如果有任何, of the Federal Pell Grant. Institutional aid can never exceed the cost of tuition.

如果学生欠助学金退款或拖欠赌钱游戏官方网站或其他机构以前发放的贷款,则不会获得任何经济援助, 或未能按照大学的标准和惯例在修读的课程中取得令人满意的进展. Please refer to the p年龄 on Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress.

参加海外学习项目的学生,如果该项目被CMU批准为学分,则有资格获得第四章资助. The study abroad program does not have to be a required part of the student's degree program.

All funding is awarded in accordance with state and federal policies, 以及CMU招生管理委员会制定的政策,不存在种族歧视, color, 性偏好, 宗教, 性, 国家的起源, 年龄, or federally defined disability in its awarding of financial assistance. Concerns regarding financial aid should be filed first with the Director of Financial Assistance. Appeals may be made to the Vice-President of Finance and Administration.

Undergraduate Students - CGES and Graduate Students

To receive federal and state financial aid, a student must be fully admitted in a degree or certificate program. To receive state need-based grants, a student must be enrolled full time in an undergraduate degree program. To receive the Federal Direct Loan, a student must be enrolled at least half time. Subsidized Federal Direct loans are not available to graduate students. 在追求他们的第一个学士学位和经济需求的本科学生注册的小时数决定了金额, 如果有任何, of the Federal Pell Grant. 在研究生和扩展研究学院注册的学生没有资格获得任何机构资助, academic or participatory.

如果学生欠助学金退款,或者拖欠赌钱游戏官方网站或其他学院以前发放的贷款,他们将不会获得任何联邦经济援助, 或未能按照大学的标准和惯例在修读的课程中取得令人满意的进展. Please refer to the p年龄 on Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress.

参加海外学习项目的学生,如果该项目被CMU批准为学分,则有资格获得第四章资助. The study abroad program does not have to be a required part of the student's degree program.

All funding is awarded in accordance with state and federal policies, and those policies set forth by the Enrollment Man年龄ment Committee. Central Methodist University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, 性偏好, 宗教, 性, 国家的起源, 年龄, or federally defined disability in its awarding of financial assistance. Concerns regarding financial aid should be filed first with the Director of Financial Assistance. Appeals may be made to the Vice-President of Finance and Administration.

金融援助 Terms and Conditions

  1. 学生明白州和联邦政府的援助是基于预算拨款,并根据州和联邦政府的指示提供的, 分别. Financial aid is subject to change until final state and federal budgets have been approved. 援助 includes the Bright Flight and Access Missouri grants. Federal aid includes the SEOG, Pell grant, Perkins loan, direct loans, PLUS loans, and work study.
  2. 学生明白他/她的资助资格是基于他/她和/或家人提供的经济资料,如果发现错误,他/她可能会被调整或取消.
  3. 学生明白,他们的经济援助是基于他/她每学期将继续注册12个或更多学时的假设. Adjustments will be made for part-time enrollment.
  4. 学生同意将他/她可能从其他来源获得的任何经济援助的来源和金额通知经济援助办公室. Student further understands that if additional assistance reduces financial need, an adjustment in his/her financial aid may be necessary.
  5. Student understands that in order to receive financial aid he/she must be making satisfactory academic progress 趋向于某种程度. (该政策的副本可在大学目录或财务援助办公室获得.)
  6. CLAS学生明白,如果他/她获得机构援助(仅限费耶特校区的学生),他/她必须符合以下标准:全日制入学并居住在校园宿舍,除非, before the first day of the semester's classes, or they are [1] married, [2] the custodial parent of a minor child living with them, [3] over 21 years of 年龄, [4] in the fifth year of college or the ninth full time semester, or, [5] living with parent in the parent's primary residence within 35 miles of Fayette. 在春季学期尝试并成功完成三个全日制学分的转学生进入CMU或在秋季学期完成四个全日制学分的转学生进入CMU,可免除校内住房要求. All international freshmen or transfer students, including those transferring from another U.S. 机构, must live in an on-campus residence hall for a minimum of one year, and thereafter must meet one of the other exemptions to live off campus. 由学生发展办公室决定的社会制裁可能会导致我失去学校的资助. 
  7. CLAS Student's acceptance of a particular type of 机构al aid, such as a scholarship, 授权财政援助办公室发布捐助者可能要求的信息.
  8. 学生明白,如果他/她在获得经济援助后退出赌钱游戏官方网站,他/她的经济援助可能会受到影响, but before the end of a term. 学生可能需要偿还他们的部分经济援助,以遵守联邦法规(见下文第四章规定)。.
  9. Student understands that if financial aid includes an estimated type of aid, he/she must take additional action before the aid will be final. 进一步, 学生明白,在完成所有所需的文书工作之前,这些资助类型不会发放资金.
  10. 学生明白,如果接受贷款,他/她将被要求填写入学咨询和主本票. 学生有责任偿还所有贷款,并满足贷款的所有其他条款和条件. (有关直接贷款条款的更详细资料,可向财政援助办公室查询.)
  11. CLAS Students receiving third party assistance (ie. Military, ROTC, etc.) may have 机构al scholarship reduced to CMU actual expenses.
  12. CLAS学生的所有援助类型的经济援助支出是在每学期开始的加/退期结束后确认上课后进行的(假设所有经济援助文件都已完成)。. The disbursement for CLAS students typically occurs the second Tuesday after classes begin. Loan disbursements for first-time borrowers are not made until 30 days after the start of classes. 在CLAS的主要支付日期之后完成经济援助文件的学生,在学生接受/拒绝经济援助后,将尽快支付援助.
  13. Financial aid disbursements of Pell, SEOG, CGES学生的直接贷款有一半是在每学期开始的加/退期结束后确认出勤后发放的(假设所有经济援助文件都完成了)。. The disbursement for CGES students typically occurs the second Wednesday after classes begin. Loan disbursements for first-time borrowers are not made until 30 days after the start of classes. 在CGES主要支付日期之后完成经济援助文件的学生,在学生接受/拒绝经济援助后,将尽快支付援助. 直接贷款和密苏里助学金的第二次发放是在本学期第二模块确认出勤后进行的.
  14. Students eligible for Title IV aid may qualify to receive a book voucher before the seventh day of the payment period (semester), which can be used to purchase books and supplies. Students are not required to obtain a book voucher.
  15. 获得联邦工作学生或CMU工作学习的学生应审查在该网站上找到的所有就业条款和条件 Work Study agreement.
  16. Students who have received Direct Loans and graduate, 撤军, or cease greater than half-time enrollment must complete Exit Counseling. Exit counseling information will be provided by the Office of Financial Assistance.